Gary McAllister met his new team today and let them know their only target is promotion.

The new Leeds boss called the players together at Thorp Arch despite their late arrival back from the match at Southend, eager to get his message across early.

Leeds' promotion push has faltered in recent weeks and McAllister is keen to re-establish the self belief that saw United carry all before them at the start of the season.

He said: "The players have got themselves into a fantastic position.

"When a new manager is appointed late in January it's usually to pick up the pieces of failure but this is different - I'm joining a winning club.

"From what I've seen there's definite potential and hopefully I can add to their game from my own experience."

McAllister is also keen to appoint a new back-room staff as soon as possible.

He added: "There's a lot of people out there that I know and trust but I want the right guy assisting. A lot of calls have gone out but it's all happened very quickly and as you can appreciate, guys have jobs."

McAllister may be about to lose the last of Dennis Wise's first team staff, with Joe Allon expected to move to Newcastle, the club where he started his playing career alongside Paul Gascoigne.