Because of the bad weather, and the subsequent glut of midweek fixtures that will follow the many recent postponements, Sedge have had to shelve a very important game.

The club had arranged a friendly in the first week of January against a representative side from the local Spen Valley-based Heavy Woollen League.

Proceeds from the game were due to be handed to a young cancer sufferer from the area.

"That has only put it on the back-burner," said Sedge manager Steve Newton. "It has not been forgotten about and it will definitely go ahead.

"It is for a very good cause. It was always on the cards that we would play the game. It is just a great pity that the weather turned so bad. We will definitely stage it later in the season.

"It is not a case of the moment having gone. All we have to do is wait until a suitable date comes available.

"There has been a lot of interest in the game and the signs are that the locals will come out in support.

"I wish I could give a date for it now but it isn't possible. It may even be after February is over because we are playing twice a week already and the reserves and under-19s have games.

"We are a concerned local club and feel we are part of the community. If we can help in any way, even without it being of benefit to us at all, we will try to be available and approachable."