One in five of City's season-ticket holders have already renewed for next term.

Around 2,400 fans took advantage of the club's Christmas offer to freeze the price at £138 during December.

City are happy with the take-up and are confident that the majority of their current 12,000 plus season-ticket base will be back in August, even though results on the field have not matched expectations.

Joint-chairman Mark Lawn said: "We only ever did it as a Christmas present for the fans to say thank you and there was never any obligation for people to pay.

"But I'm pleased with the response and maybe it's something we will look to do again next year.

"We will be pricing up the season-tickets now, though there will be a real bargain early-bid offer around March time. But we won't be taking it through to August like last time.

"If we can push on for the rest of the season then I would hope the season-ticket figures will reflect that again."

Meanwhile, City yesterday flew out an under-13s team to take part in a 12-club tournament in Arizona.

The Bantams, who are the only non-American or Mexican participants, play two games on Saturday against TMSFC Alliance Gold and New Mexico Rush Coyotes.

Their participation has been arranged through the international link with player recruitment specialist Paul Topping.

Lawn said: "It lifts the profile up and there will be more of these available at different age groups.

"It's a fantastic opportunity for the youngsters involved and Paul is trying to organise something for the youth team in the summer."

City are also taking part in a soccer coaching conference in Baltimore alongside Topping. Marketing chief David Baldwin will head for the States tomorrow.

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