John Deacey is hoping a new sense of stability at the club will help him and assistant Neil Parsley steer the Celts clear of relegation trouble.

The newly-appointed Farsley boss said: "I am pleased to get the job but more delighted that all the speculation is over.

"It has been an uncertain time for everyone at the club and I'm sure that has been at the back of the minds of the players. They know where they stand now and I think that is reflected in that I get treated with more respect.

"Not that I didn't get their respect, or full backing for that matter, during the last month, but the decision by the directors has put everyone's mind at rest and settled any nagging doubts.

"It has given me the chance to confirm Neil as my number two. He has a lot of knowledge and many contacts in the game.

"Hopefully some of those will help us out on the scouting side, maybe even come in on the coaching side in some capacity.

"We are building a backroom staff as well as a playing squad."

The Celts have not been in the best of form since Lee Sinnott departed for Port Vale but Deacey has got the nod to succeed him after chairman Andy Firbank said the board were mesmerised by his interview.

Deacey, originally brought to the club by former boss Martin Haresign, beat off some tough competition to land the role.

Former pros Paul Warhurst, Chris Kywomya and Paul Nixon were all believed to have applied for the Throstle Nest post.