Mark Lawn remains as convinced as ever that Stuart McCall is the right man to drag City out of the doldrums.

The Bantams head towards Christmas ten points adrift of the League Two play-offs in 18th spot.

But the joint-chairman's faith in the club's iconic manager remains unshaken.

In a revealing interview, Lawn discusses his first six months sharing power at Valley Parade alongside Julian Rhodes. And he makes it clear that McCall is the best bet for a City revival.

Lawn said: "He is learning his trade like us all - I'm in the same position because I've never run a football club before. We do have to learn and it's a harsh curve.

"But I've always been a great believer that if you're willing to learn then you will turn things round."

City's season has not matched the high hopes that greeted McCall's arrival.

McCall announced when he took over that anything less than promotion would be seen as a failure. Lawn was just as confident and admits to pumping up the expectation level among fans still sore from relegation.

He has no regrets about doing that - and insists the club's outlook is now much brighter than before the summer revolution.

"I helped create that feeling of warmth and change because it was needed. The club was out on its feet so why shouldn't we be happy to turn things round?

"Why wouldn't you be happy about having the cheapest season ticket in the league and paying £6 to watch a game when Leeds United are paying up to £36?

"Why shouldn't you be happy about having a club that's debt-free at long last? And why shouldn't you be happy about getting one of your long-lost heroes back as manager?

"You should give Stuart more of a chance. Some people are already being negative about him but I'm not.

"That's not the dreaded vote of confidence but I'm not worried because he will turn it round.

"I think you've got to judge Stuart McCall further down the line.

"Yes, these were Stuart's players that he brought in but everybody's allowed to look at things twice. I'm sure the next few he gets in and changes he makes will probably improve the side."

Fans anticipate a busy period when the transfer window re-opens in a fortnight. Seven of the current squad will have finished their loans or short-term contracts but McCall also wants to start laying down more solid foundations for next season.

Lawn, though, will ensure that the books are balanced with any business done.

He added: "We've a budget to work within and it depends how many he's getting rid of and what wages they are on. We're still looking for value for money.

"I'm not the type of person who will buy someone and put them on a pedestal and perhaps pays them more money than their worth.

"Do we pay large amounts of money for someone now when we could get them for less if we wait? The club of one player he's looking at now are quoting £75,000 and his contract's up in the summer.

"That amount of money probably pays the wages of one and a half decent players in this league. They are the decisions that have to be made.

"But it's got to be the manager who chooses the players.

"You have to let the manager make their decisions. I've always done that in any business and I don't see how running a football club changes that."

  • Don't miss a two-page On Parade special with Mark Lawn in tomorrow's T&A