Avenue chief executive Bob Blackburn contacted the T&A this week from his holiday home in Marbella but it was not to rub in the fringe benefits of the millionaire businessman's lifestyle - at least, that's what he claimed.

In truth, he was merely updating his latest mission. Blackburn has the club at heart and genuinely never switches off.

After last Saturday's game was called off due to a waterlogged pitch at Horsfall Stadium, an Avenue delegation jetted off to Spain.

While Bradford was gripped in an icy blast - most of the local midweek games were postponed due to frozen pitches - Blackburn and his closest allies were not just holidaying abroad.

"We are on a fact-finding trip that has been very productive - the supporters could well be cheering us on in some pre-season friendlies on the continent," said Blackburn from his Spanish villa.

"It is not pie in the sky, we are checking out facilities, forging links with clubs and looking at foreign players.

"Not so long ago people would have laughed if we said we may sign a Brazilian player but that could come true by the start of next season.

"Our manager Benny Phillips and one of the other directors is out here with me and we have been speaking to people.

"Things are looking favourable, both on the signing of some good foreign players and some friendly fixtures for the pre-season."

One club, Santa Grande, is within walking distance of where Blackburn has his villa and he says they seem keen to accommodate Avenue for a pre-season game.

"We are also looking at other clubs while we are here and the stadiums they play in," said Blackburn.

"If we feel it is a place we could play and where some of our supporters could come to, then we are interested.

"The cost could be kept to a minimum regarding the squad coming out here. I have plenty of bedrooms and the actual travel can be negotiated; there are some competitive deals.

"Ultimately it would cost us as a club but it may be a price worth paying. The professional clubs do it, having pre-season tours to other countries, and even go for warm weather training during the season.

"Playing games is even better than training and in temperatures over 100 degrees it certainly makes the players fit and ready to come back to England leaner than when they left.

"This is something we are seriously considering but a lot more thought and planning will go into it before anything is decided. I am excited about it already though and would love to watch us playing in Spain."

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