Bad weather last Sunday was like a ray of sunshine for Cobbydalers' boss Paul Schofield.

"From a purely selfish point of view, that would do me every weekend," chuckled the manager after bad conditions meant some games were postponed.

Many of his players play Sunday League football - a lot of them for Silsden's own side - and that can mean his best-laid plans are often left in tatters.

"You can't blame the lads for wanting to play," added Schofield. "I did in my day, but as a manager you are crossing your fingers every weekend, hoping they all report for training on Monday.

"It is like counting them back in from a flying mission.

"Injuries are a concern - don't even get me started on suspensions - when the players are turning out Sunday mornings.

"It is bad enough if they pick up a knock playing for us. When you see it happen when they are playing for someone else, it's frustrating.

"All the other clubs at our level are in the same boat. Unless you have them all on contract, which clubs at our standard can't afford to do, you can't stop it.

"We are lucky at the moment," added Schofield.

"We have Michael Rhodes back from his fractured toe so the squad is looking strong.

"That is just what you need at this time of year, going into the busy holiday period.

"There are no midweek games in December but we have five Saturdays, plus the Boxing Day game."