Steve Newton moved from Horsfall Stadium to Clayborn during the close season to become the new Liversedge boss and he will be up against his former club in tomorrow night's friendly.

Newton was in charge of Avenue's reserves last season and had two spells as caretaker boss of the UniBond outfit. He is a manager in his own right now but immediately called on the friendships he still has within Bradford to get them to Clayborn.

"I'm glad Steve asked for the game because we wanted a couple of away fixtures, which are necessary for our preparation," said Avenue boss Benny Phillips.

"Our season doesn't start until a week on Saturday and we have another friendly at Bangor this weekend. I have been pleased with the effort and fitness of the players and the way they settled in.

"We will have our full squad in contention tomorrow. There are one or two injury niggles that may mean we have to rest a couple of players but we have others who will welcome some extra game time."