With a big friendly against Leeds United looming at Nethermoor on Monday, Guiseley manager Terry Dolan will use the game to start honing the finer points of his plan for the new season.

Unlike most of the other leagues, the UniBond Premier Division does not get underway a week on Saturday.

Dolan will have just one more mock battle after the visit of Leeds, away at Harrogate Railway Athletic, to twiddle with the fine-tuning dial.

"It's just as well we are having a later start because of the problems every club has endured this summer," said Dolan.

"We had two friendly games cancelled and the training sessions have been affected because of the weather. The Leeds United game is the only one we have arranged at home.

"There has been an awful lot of work done on the pitch during the close season that has cost a lot of money. It is a good job we didn't organise a few more, the way the weather has been.

"The ground is ready now though and it is looking really good. Because of our facilities, including the artificial grass area, we don't need to train on the pitch itself so it is unused and very well looked after."

Dolan used the earlier warm-up game to give trialists a chance to impress and allow the core of his squad to get some time on the pitch. Now he is aiming to sort tactics and bed in the new signings.

"There hasn't been an influx of players, we have a very good squad here already and they proved their worth last season," said the former Bantams and Hull City boss.

"We lost Scott McNiven to Farsley Celtic but he was the only regular first-teamer to move on. We have signed Aaron Wilford, a player I had with me when I managed York City, and Dominic Krief.

"They will be good signings for this club. Dominic is a very good midfield player and Aaron can play up front or at the back.

"I have brought him here primarily to play in defence but he is one of those great assets to a squad because he is a bit versatile."