Everyone just wants a fair crack in Super League and for everyone to be playing off the same field.

If some teams are doing something underhand then it doesn't make for a fair competition and, if they have broken rules, should be punished.

I can't point fingers but sometimes it might look a little obvious who is really breaking the cap and they have to be dealt with. The authorities need to come down hard on them.

As for us, I've not heard much about what our position actually is.

Leeds was a good night for us. We performed reasonably well, although I don't know how we went in at half-time leading as the stats showed we only reached 35 per cent completion.

We were shaky and dropped lots of ball but that just highlighted how well we defended and in the second half we were better and it proved a great way to send off Les.

Me and Jimmy (Evans) decided to hoist him up for the fans so my shoulder was hurting afterwards - probably more from that than all the tackles during the game!

We all met up for a meal on Saturday afternoon to say goodbye to Les and a few of the lads went out for a drink with him.

We've Wigan tomorrow and another massive game. We're coming off contrasting results with them having been beaten at Wakefield but they are strong, well-coached and have a lot of quality players so we're under no illusions.

On the day they are one of the strongest sides in the competition, as we found out when they put a good score on us over there last year.

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