New Thackley secretary Chris Frank feels he has a very tough job on his hands in trying to fill the shoes of his predecessor but he believes the club are in fine shape as they look for fresh challenges.

"I wish I knew how to take over from someone who has done so much for the club. It will certainly be a hard act to follow," said Frank this week as the club gears up for pre-season.

"Stewart Willingham has been in the job since the 1970s and I hope I will also be filling the role for a long time.

"Stewart, Geoff Scott and Steve Paley have done sterling work down the years for this club, which we can all be proud of.

"It has been an astounding achievement by the people who have run Thackley that they have never dipped below the Northern Counties East Premier Division.

"They have handed over the reins now and we - the ones who have been trusted with it - have to treat it as a gift. It is our duty to look after it now and hopefully develop it further.

"We have ambitions but we have all been involved at some level over the last few seasons so we know what it entails - our eyes are open.

"Work has started around the ground, on the playing surface, the training pitch and general stadium maintenance.

"There is a new roof going on the building - probably not the best time to start that project given the recent weather, but we press on.

"As far as myself, John McCreary, who has taken over as treasurer from Steve, and the rest of the committee are concerned the season cannot come around quickly enough.

"What Stewart, Geoff and Steve have left behind is a club with a reputation as one of the most friendly and hospitable in the non-league ranks.

"We will endeavour to keep the best of what has gone before and implement some fresh ideas."