University of Bradford Sports Centre members Gerald Pilling and Steve Brown have broken three world records and a European record in triumphing at the European Championships in Grangemouth, Scotland.

Pilling, on the comeback trail after a knee injury, set his marks in the 125 kilogram bodyweight class.

His world records were a 230kg bench press and a 342kg dead lift, while his combined total of 902kg, including a 330kg squat, was a European best.

Brown, who is blind, set a world record in the Masters 2 age group with a 212kg dead lift. He also had a squat of 187kg in a total of 495kg.

Pilling said: "I want to thank the Yorkshire Physio Sports and Injury Clinic at Wyke for their treatment and Sue Edgeley at the University of Bradford Sports Centre.

"Also, for their supplements, Paul Jefferies (Wolfwear) and Grimsby's Dave Melia (Muscle Factory)."

Next up for Pilling is the British Single Lift Championships at the University of Bradford on the weekend of July 14-15, while a bigger target is the World Championships at Grangemouth on November 18.