SIR – In a final desperate measure to get some dosh, the Chancellor is contemplating raiding the country’s piggy banks.

Displaying his usual breathtaking arrogance, he is asking the nation’s savers to, effectively, give money to the Government to fund infrastructure projects which will stimulate our lame-duck economy.

At the start of their term in office, this would have been a very good idea. But back then, the Coalition was far too focused on smashing up the private sector and selling off the NHS, both of which policies have significantly increased unemployment, while this in turn, is accounting for their borrowing more than any government since records began in order to fund the massive upsurge in benefit payments. Just when we think things cannot get worse, we should also prepare ourselves for the Coalition’s ‘secret plans’ to cover the losses (ie bail out – with our money) the British banks, following Spanish, Greek and possibly Italian defaults. We should all be in no doubt that the current financial predicament is not accidental. It is the inevitable product of grubby and divisive free-market capitalism. The dilemma for the voters is that all three major parties actively support this corrupt and, frankly, evil system Christopher Hindle, Osterley Grove, Bradford