SIR – I find it hard to generate any sympathy whatsoever for the country’s poverty-stricken doctors who are planning, what they laughingly refer to, as ‘strike action’ because of a slight reorganisation of their pension entitlements.

Let us not forget that the same individuals were given significant pay increases under the Labour Government which took most GPs well over £100K per annum.

Furthermore, they were, for the most part, completely mute when this shower of a coalition government were planning the wholesale privatisation of the NHS. Are readers aware, for example, that all hospitals now have to give 49 per cent of their total capacity to private patients?

Now all of a sudden, the very same doctors are wringing their hands and speaking in hushed tones about the moral dilemma of ‘strike action’ and the Hippocratic oath.

A word very similar to ‘Hippocratic’ springs to mind. Christopher Hindle, Osterley Grove, Bradford