SIR – The Rotary Club of Bradford has already raised a lot of money this year for local and international charities. We are now trying to help our injured servicemen and specifically ABF – The Soldiers Charity. We have organised a walk along the River Wharfe (pictured) on Sunday, June 24. We will bus walkers from Bolton Abbey to Buckden, and they walk back – with three drop-out points and return transport (Kettlewell, Grassington and Burnsall).

We are keen to hear from anyone interested to take part, especially people with Forces connections, either directly or via relatives. A registration fee covers our transport costs, then walkers “persuade” friends to give them donations to bring on the day and all this will go to ABF – no deductions!

If you can help us, call (01274) 585332 and my colleague John will send you out a leaflet giving full details. You can then decide whether you want to take part.

If not, then you could use the form to make a donation to help these needy military personnel.

Geoff Kenure, Rotary Club of Bradford, Cecil Avenue, Baildon