SIR – Although it is never reassuring to know that a government has made wrong decisions, it is refreshing to see the current politicians actually listening to the people affected by their actions and correcting their decisions.

It is also to our advantage to know that the Labour party condemns these actions and would never correct any mistakes it may make. That is something for the electorate to bear in mind for the next election.

Maybe the politicians on Bradford Council should take heed of central government and listen to the people who are proud residents of our once-great city, and change their decision on the Odeon.

Is it possible that they may have a rethink and decide that the people actually do know best, and Bradford would benefit from having a large concert hall/conference centre?

We now know that miracles can happen, and pray for our councillors to see the light. We will think so much more of them if they are man enough to admit they were wrong, and strong enough to put it right.

Keith Rayner, Laburnum Drive, Baildon