SIR – The Westfield farrago has gone on long enough. They had no intention whatsoever of building a shopping centre in Bradford unless and until it suited their commercial purposes. This remains the case.

I suggest that Dave Green adopts a similar attitude and pursues a ‘hardball’ attitude to the game. He should threaten to issue a compulsory purchase order on the site, at a figure that provides neither profit nor loss to Westfield, unless Westfield commit themselves to a quick start date, with a definitive completion date, with penalty clauses attached.

We need to take the initiative and be in charge of our own destiny. I assure you, Mr Green, that Westfield are the type of company that will only respond to meaningful force. Take the initiative out of Westfield’s hands, Dave, it’s the only way you will win.

Ian Parsons, Alexandra Road, Eccleshill