SIR – I feel that insurance companies are the cause of inflated whiplash claims (T&A, June 5).

I know of someone who bought a car for £800, and insured it at a cost of £2,200 for a year. Three months later the car was written off due to a driver ignoring a stop sign and broadsiding it.

His insurance company offered him £200 for his car which he refused, and then offered him £250 on a take-it-or-leave-it basis.

As this was not enough to buy a replacement car, he developed whiplash, ending up with £1,800 compensation with which he bought a nice car, plus a hire car for two months, all at the third party’s insurer’s expense.

If insurance companies were fair with their customers, I am sure most motorists would be fair with them.

John Butterworth, St Mary’s Drive, Wyke