There may be an argument that it is time for the roads around the driving test centre on Farfield Street in Heaton to be looked at closely by independent inspectors.

The unnamed woman who took 29 attempts to pass the test at the centre would probably agree that there may be an issue here.

Driving Standards Agency figures have revealed that only 31.4 per cent of learners passed their practical test there between April and December last year, compared to a national average of 47 per cent.

So it would appear that there is something that is causing a problem here, although it is worth pointing out that Bradford’s other centre, in Thornbury, didn’t fare much better with 36.4 per cent.

A driving instructors’ spokesman in Bradford suggests that lack of preparation is a major issue for those who fail, suggesting many people take the test before they are ready.

But that does not necessarily explain the disparity between figures in this area and the national average.

And it is important that if there is something that is unfairly penalising those who take the test in Bradford, that it is identified and efforts are made if possible to try and remedy it.