SIR – I saw on the news that Holme Wood estate had got a mini bus to go round homes picking children up who otherwise would not go to school because their mothers could not be bothered to get up early enough to get them ready and take them to be there for 9am.

What is the matter with the younger generation today? They have the children then want someone else to look after them.

When my daughter started school some years ago – with snow on the ground – I had to get her and my two younger boys ready and walk approximately one mile.

For the first week, I had to pick her up at lunchtime and take her back, then back again at the end of the school day as they could not stop for dinners – and these young people cannot be bothered to get up and walk a few streets! Disgusting.

Jean Barraclough, St Mary’s Crescent, Wyke,Bradford