SIR – One wonders how low this Government will stoop to get more money for a policy that is clearly not working?

We all realise that were having to ‘tighten our belts’, but surely Mr Cameron and the Liberal turncoat who will do anything for a bit of power must realise that things are going from bad to worse?

Their policies hit the people already living on the poverty line, and now want to hit the disabled by taking away various areas of funding from local councils which in turn is passed on to the groups who need the help.

However, Cameron’s being crafty by saying he is working for a fairer society and blames the local councils for any shortfalling, so he can say its nothing to do with him!

I wonder how much he spends when he goes out to dine? A disabled person could probably live for a week on what he spends.

And let’s not forget his latest scam, bringing the lads home from Afghanistan for a few days leave so they become eligible to pay income tax, that is until their tour of duty is finished and he sends the heroes onto the scrapheap to join the rest on the dole, with the old “well done lads, now on yer bike”. Come on, Cameron and co, get summat right for a change.

R Hobson, Stradmore Road, Denholme