As a teacher in a Bradford primary school, I was appalled to receive a letter on behalf of the Lord Mayor encouraging children in my care to write poems or make models to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

In school we are quite rightly asked to promote the values of democracy, equality and fairness. So the attempt to indoctrinate children into supporting hereditary privilege left a bitter taste in the mouth.

This was then compounded by Michael Gove pushing for teachers to be sacked more easily, yet seemingly happy to support a system that leaves a head of state unchallenged for 60 years, soaking up £38 million a year of taxpayers’ money.

To then appeal for another £60 million to fund a yacht for the richest woman in England, simply beggars belief.

I hope those involved in promoting the Jubilee nationally and locally will take time to reflect on what they are doing. Surely their conscience will finally enlighten them, and they will join the growing ranks of republicans in this country.

Sam Gardner, Coniston Grove, Baildon