SIR – How The Harley Medical Group, Transform and others can get away with saying no to removing these “industrial grade” PIP implants beggars belief.

They hide behind the CE mark and the regulatory authority, but they surely have a duty of care regarding the implants they use and as anyone in industry knows, you must check on the suitability of the products you use.

The private medical sector seems keen to ignore their responsibilities and push their problems on to the NHS, who will no doubt sub-contract it back to the private sector because the NHS is overloaded, leaving the taxpayer to pick up the bills.

Do these private clinics and their surgeons not have insurance to cover their failings/shortcomings, or are they hiding away hoping the problem will go away?

While PIP are no longer in business, can they not claim from their insurers at the time they supplied these implants?

Mel Braham, chief executive of the Harley Medical Group, said: “We are about patient care, safety and satisfaction and recognise that integrity and ethical care are paramount in meeting the needs of our patients”. Mr Braham should read his own words and get this matter sorted out for his patients, who are worried about their health.

This is one case where the ambulance chasing lawyers should have a field day, I hope they do well.

Arthur Normington, Manor Drive, Cottingley