SIR – If borrowing is the answer to all our problems we should not have the mess we have got. Mr Brown, Mr Miliband and of course Mr Balls borrowed enough for all of us.

Mr Darling, who the three above tried and failed to sack, is the one who can hold his head up.

When you view BBC Parliament one would think that Mr Brown and Mr David Miliband had stood down at the last election as they never seem to be in the House. Do they still draw their pay and accrue big pensions?

Mr Brown robbed me of mine with his pension grab which he wasted, so he sold our gold reserves at a record low. Who were his advisers?

Why, of course, it was Balls, Miliband and co. Now they would like us to borrow more. Do they live in the real world?

Do they live on their credit cards, only paying the minimum each month, thus getting deeper into debt? I hope not.

So why run a country like that? Let’s get back to old ideas and live within our means.

John Wilson, Brookfields Avenue, Wyke