SIR – I don’t usually find myself in agreement with David Cameron. In fact, not since Winston Churchill led us in alliance with the Russians and Americans to the defeat of Nazi Germany, I can’t think of a single time when I have agreed with a Tory premier.

But I do welcome the fact that we will be having a referendum on an elected mayor for Bradford.

And I shall be voting, yes.

Why? Because it will give the disregarded majority of the population an opportunity to break the Labour-Tory-Lib Dem consensus in City Hall which is ruining our city.

Though I have been a lifelong socialist, I would vote for any mayoral candidate, whatever his or her political persuasion (apart from the BNP) who promised to be a wind of change to blow the cobwebs out of City Hall.

I can think of several possible candidates, but they have one thing in common, they are not part of the existing political establishment.

Karl Dallas, Church Green, Bradford