SIR – A protest is an expression of objection, by words or by actions, to particular events, policies or situations, which Occupy Bradford was doing in Centenary Square.

I do feel a little dismayed that Karl Dallas (letters, November 11) is making out that the Occupy Bradford stunt was not a protest, when clearly it was.

I have to remind him that the Disabled People’s event held across from the Square a week before was a rally, not a protest.

I would encourage people to take their concern to people who listen in City Hall or Westminster, and not to people who just wanted publicity.

The only way for the public to access the decision-making process is by talking to their local councillors, MPs, attending Council committee, executive and Full Council meetings.

The other way will be in May next year at the ballot box, where some churches offer their facilities for the election vote.

The democratic way, this is far better than a group of protesters who were going to have to be removed by a court order.

Emmerson Walgrove, Parkfield Road, Manningham