SIR – Further to your piece regarding the council’s failure to transfer its housing land allocations, there is confusion regarding my opposition of measures to rectify the situation via the Council’s Executive.

Councillor Greenwood suggested Councillor Miller had acted “like a baby throwing a dummy out of the pram”. This is inaccurate.

I was approached as Chairman of the Regeneration Scrutiny Committee to see if I would agree to the issue being tagged-on to the Executive meeting on Friday, November 11, avoiding proper scrutiny.

I was not agreeable, not Councillor Miller, and my motives had nothing to do with the discarding of any pacifying-type implement.

Councillor Greenwood then stated that it was the former Conservative administration’s fault. I am indifferent to which political group is at fault – I want the Council to determine what went wrong and learn from it. I do not do sweep-it-under-the-carpet politics.

I did not manage to persuade Councillor Greenwood’s colleagues. Despite my objections, the report is simply going before a later Executive Committee, which could be considered to rubber stamp reports, with little or no debate.

It was equally inexplicable for Councillor Sunderland to express concern about my decision to press for scrutiny debate on page three, while on page 13 of the same issue. She is opposing a move for a report to be taken to full Council rather than go before a scrutiny committee.

Councillor Andrew Mallinson, chairman of the Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee, City Hall, Bradford