SIR – Having just read your article re saving the Claremont play equipment, in Wrose (T&A, November 5), I am appalled that some residents want to have the play area decimated.

The new play equipment is, in my opinion, a godsend and has decreased anti-social behaviour in Wrose dramatically. There was nothing for children and young people to do – now they have their own play area.

My house backs on to the park and I have no problems with the equipment, and I do not think we should alienate our young people in this way. I feel the play space is the best use of the land.

We all have double glazing and cavity wall insulation, so surely noise from the area is not such an issue to those residents who can hear it? Or is the sound of children playing so much of a heartache to them? If so, how very sad.

I strongly believe with the encroachment of housing on our green spaces we need play spaces such as this in our urban areas to give young people something to do.

Nothing our young people do or are given to do seems to sit right with some people.

Good luck to Mrs Firth – it would be a very sad day if this equipment was taken away.

Julie Jepson, Livingstone Road, Wrose