SIR – So our prisons are bursting at the seams and the inmate population is at an all-time high of just short of 88,000 (T&A, November 12). Why should this be?

Let me ask a question – what would happen if a pub landlord was idiot enough to advertise free beer? Yes, pandemonium and a wrecked pub.

So it is with the prisons – the powers-that-be advertise first-class accommodation, gourmet meals and recreation, all at “competitive rates”. Pretty soon there will be a waiting list for our ‘nicks’, believe me.

In my young days, the nick was tough and full of hard men who had work to occupy their time.

Today’s inmates are busy getting stoned, playing computer games and watching Sky TV, etc.

The other day I was outraged – a national newspaper branded our Justice Secretary Ken Clarke a half-wit.

I wouldn’t go that far, quarter maybe!

Terry Tordoff, Calderstone Avenue, Buttershaw