SIR – The T&A printed my letter dated November 14, 2000, concerning the congested top end of town with shoppers, traffic unable to park, but towards City Hall area there’s nothing, no people, no shops.

When I was a child, from any corner of the City Hall, north, south, east, west, within 100 yards you could buy anything from food, shoes and clothes to sports equipment and cycles. So what a pity the court house will not be removed from the City Park area to make way for a new commercial area.

What about the wonderful buildings around the city centre, anything up to six storeys high that are empty, with only one business on the ground floor? Could these premises be turned into apartments? The potential for Bradford centre is so obvious, but only in the correct hands.

The T&A prints many letters from the public, but there’s never any comment from the Council.

Keith Robinson, Albert Road, Queensbury