SIR – I was filled with both rage and revulsion after reading the headline article (T&A, November 15), relating to the abuse suffered by youngsters collecting for this year’s poppy appeal.

These young collectors were playing their part in acknowledging the sacrifices made by others so that the present generation can live in relative freedom – for them to be subjected to such vitriol is beneath contempt.

The morons who perpetrated this act don't realize that the poppy is a symbol of those sacrifices made, and to spit on this iconic emblem of valour and suffering is an act of both ignorance and sacrilege.

More than 60 years ago, the fight with Germany was against a political megalomaniac – now, the fighting in Afghanistan is against the Taliban whose sole intent is to turn the clock back ten years to a time of tyranny and religious dogma.

We owe a great deal to those who have fought, and still do fight, against oppression whether it be political or religious, and we must never forget those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Stuart Jessop, Marsland Place, Thornbury, Bradford