SIR – I suspect that the vast majority of residents experienced the mixture of sadness, anger and utter revulsion that I felt when I read of poppy sellers being abused and spat on.

It beggars belief that someone could abuse the freedom that many people willingly died for, by behaving in such a way towards those helping to provide for the loved ones of those who made the ultimate sacrifice and injured survivors.

The abuse and intimidating behaviour is unacceptable, but spitting on another person is absolutely inexcusable. The conduct of a coward and a bully.

I suspect that it is no coincidence that there are no reports of 6ft-tall former soldiers such as myself being spat at by those responsible, only children.

I would like to publicly invite Bethany Holmes and her parents, the two young Asian girls who were abused and their parents, and the people “set upon” in Tyrrel Street to a thank-you lunch in City Hall.

I will arrange tour of the building and I am sure that the leaders of the other political groups will also spare them some time to show their appreciation too.

It is not much, but a small thank you and a gesture of the appreciation felt by the right-minded many.

Councillor Glen Miller, City Hall, Bradford