SIR – As a Bradfordian, I am thoroughly offended at the abuse and assault suffered by the poppy sellers (T&A, November 15) Sadly, this sort of behaviour is becoming common practice among a very small minority of individuals who claim to follow the religion of Islam. It is our responsibility to root out this sort of rhetoric before this monster gets too big to control.

There needs to be a greater condemnation of this from the Muslim Community in relation to the young Asian males, who I assume are Muslim.

I may well be vilified for making such an assumption, but we must not allow this to become commonplace. It does not represent the Islam that is followed by billions.

The vast majority of Muslims in Bradford have lived peacefully for decades and we must not allow this to fester.

My father and family members served in the British Army during the Second World War and I am all too aware of the sacrifices that were, and are, being made by our armed and civilian forces.

We don’t all agree with why our current forces are engaged in conflict in lands such as Afghanistan, however, we must not and cannot forget the sacrifices made, particularly during the First and Second World Wars.

These are the fundamental reasons I am free and able to express my views.

Zaf Shah, Kirkham Road, Lidget Green, Bradford