SIR – My Labour colleague, Vanda Greenwood’s attitude of “make up the facts to fit the argument”, is why politicians are derided (Letters, November 11).

The Coalition – not “mine” – was forced on Lib-Dems when Labour deserted the mess they had presided over. To have refused to govern would have branded us not serious, and so unfit for office – ever.

Should we continue borrowing to build new schools etc, or get finances under control first? Who will lend at low interest rates? Look at Greece and Italy. The planned cuts will only stop debt growing.

I have never said that the pupil premium meant “school budgets were growing”. It is targeted at deprivation – as in our ward – and is due to increase over the next two years. Why throw money at the best?

Financial markets are too powerful – not something with which those of us with balanced, left-leaning attitudes are happy, but if one man (George Soros) could force Norman Lamont and the Thatcherites out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism, we need a cautious, sensible approach in righting the economy. This is clearly beyond Labour. That’s the reality!

Coun John Hall, (Lib-Dem, Windhill and Wrose), Pennithorne Ave, Shipley