SIR – Labour Council Leader Ian Greenwood (pictured) accuses his Tory counterpart Glen Miller of behaving “like a baby throwing a dummy out of the pram” (T&A, November 14).

Well, how about looking in the mirror before making such comments, Councillor Greenwood?

Wasn’t it he who, when in opposition, refused to engage in budget setting, and therefore effectively took his bat home?

Just what has Bradford done to seemingly have such inadequate leaders in recent times? Indeed, one also has to wonder how the local Labour party has not been able to come up with a more effective leader for some years now?

When one looks at the vision of Bradford councillors in the early part of the 20th century, one realises just how poorly we have been served in later years.

Until this changes, we will continue to be the second-rate city that we have sadly been allowed to become.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon