SIR – Ian Lyons (a joy to work with and someone who, I hope, will take over from me in Baildon) does well to articulate the concerns of local residents in his recent letter (T&A, November 10).

Ian is correct in saying that there is substantial opposition within Baildon to building a hi-tech industrial park on the Buck Lane Fields. Policy makers need to be mindful of this.

At the same time, others in Baildon can see the possible upsides of this development and the need to take a more District-wide view on the balance of minuses and pluses. I have spent some time investigating the pros and cons of the Buck Lane development. I have challenged officers and called for evidence (some of it given to me in confidence). As a result, I remain, on balance, in favour of the development.

I realise in saying this that I may be out of step with majority local opinion in Baildon. However, I feel I am taking an informed view.

Also, as a local elected member, it is my duty, in Tony Benn’s words “to be a signpost and not a weather vane”.

Councillor John Cole (Liberal Democrat, Baildon ward) Oakroyd Terrace, Baildon