SIR – Re article in T&A (November 7) – Council to sell off land at the Greengates cross roads.

This land was compulsory-purchased and shops demolished to make way for long-awaited improvements to this dangerous and slow-moving artery to Leeds, Bradford, Keighley, Yeadon and the airport.

Traffic at this junction grinds to a halt at all times of the day, but especially at peak times.

We have even lost our bus due to the length of time taken to navigate the junction.

How can they sell off this land?

We desperately need these road improvements as we have been waiting years and the traffic flow is getting bigger by the day.

I was born in the village and have seen first-hand how this junction has become so hard for large lorries and motorists to navigate, and pedestrians take their life in their hands to cross.

Answers please...

Mrs B Burns, Flower Garth, Idle