SIR – Over the years, I have read letters on this page slating our inept Council, highlighting their incompetence and wishing curse after curse upon them.

Almost every night, there are letters condemning them to fry in hell for eternity, or words to that effect. Tonight (T&A, November 3) it was referring to the case of the two Shire horses.

A few months ago, there was an election held here in Bradford to elect the citizens’ favoured councillors.

How is it, then, that we still have been landed with these bumbling, maladroit, useless nincompoops?

Who voted them into office? I don’t suppose it would be any of your correspondents, would it?

Do not worry, in less than four years’ time, they can all have another go at electing an impeccable and immaculate herd of councillors.

Lewis Nicholl, Plumpton Gardens, Wrose