SIR – On Thursday, November 3, a group of employees from Hanover Housing donated a day to work in Wibsey Park.

Alongside them were three young people from Gambia and a young man from Barcelona, who are doing volunteer work.

BCEP oversaw the project, and the volunteers worked in the polytunnels planting and making paths out of wood to create wheelchair access.

They also cleared an area ready for Friends of Wibsey Park to create a quiet garden area, and peanut feeders were made and deposited around the park for the birds.

It was very hard work, but done very cheerfully and with a good repartee among everybody.

In view of the fact that so much negative news is in our newspapers these days, I do feel that news like I have given should also be reported.

I am a member of the Friends of Wibsey Park, so will now be able to go and start on the quiet garden.

Anne Jackson, North Road, Wibsey