The depths to which thieves will plummet for even the smallest amount of scrap metal cash continues to shock and sicken.

In the latest incident, reported today, crooks ripped away copper piping that fed the gas supply into a 90-year-old woman’s house.

They risked causing a devastating explosion and left a vulnerable pensioner without heating at a time the cold is really beginning to bite – all for the sake of what is likely to be around £10 worth of scrap metal.

It is difficult to understand the mentality of those responsible. They must have been aware the pipes were likely to be feeding gas into the house. Yet they still put their own lives and, far more importantly, the lives and safety of others at risk for the sake of nothing more than petty cash.

The problems caused by metal thieves have blighted the Bradford district for far too long and are beginning to get out of hand.

They have caused untold delays to rail services, stolen from church roofs, taken manhole covers, and caused power cuts after stealing cables. It is time for it to stop.

The only reason these idiots have for stealing cables and scrap metal is because someone somewhere – presumably locally – will buy it from them. A concerted effort has to be made to crack down on those dealers who are buying small items of scrap with no questions asked. They are as guilty as those who are actually doing the stealing. Hopefully this latest incident will make some of them realise that.

If not, then they must accept that if someone dies as the result of a theft like this in the future – and if gas pipes continue to be ripped away, that could happen – they will have to examine their consciences very closely indeed.