SIR – I refer to the article regarding the forthcoming Channel 4 ‘reality’ show and Ian Greenwood’s comments (T&A, November 5).

Once again our Council is full of rhetoric, but perhaps its inaction over the years leads to the perception that others have of Bradford?

After all, Bradford does seem to be in the top quartile of league tables for the following: poor education results; crash-for-cash insurance scams; drivers without licence, insurance and car tax; and lack of a shopping experience.

One day, perhaps our councillors and Council officers will actually do more to make this once-great city worthy of staying in for my children and grandchildren, as I am likely to move away. TV ‘reality’ shows will then be able to focus on a good city once again While talking to two people recently from another part of Yorkshire and informing them I was from Bradford – their reaction was, ‘Oh dear, we are sorry’.

I acknowledge that good also comes from our multi-cultural city, but obviously insufficient to make an impact on those outside the area.

Trevor Lodge, Allerton Road, Bradford