SIR – Clayton is a very fortunate village with many thriving groups and a vibrant village hall serving Clayton on a daily basis.

We have active church communities and are fortunate enough to have Scout groups, Guides, Brownies, Cubs and Rainbows and a library which would be envied by many villages.

There is also an active parish council which has an eye to serving Clayton in many varied ways, and not only that there is the renowned Dickensian Market (December 3) which is an important annual event, and three excellent schools.

Just recently I heard that Clayton is to lose a person who, over a number of years, has been so proactive in the interests of this village.

I refer to Marcia Churley, a Bradford West area co-ordinator, who is unfortunately being moved from Clayton to serve in another district.

Marcia will be long remembered for all the creative and outstanding work done here in Clayton and, make no mistake, will be sorely missed.

We all thank you Marcia for all you have done for Clayton, and be assured you will be long remembered in this village.

Dennis Delaney, The Avenue, Clayton