SIR – This weekend I thumbed through a copy of the Rough Guide To Britain. The entry on Bradford concludes that apart from the National Media Museum, there is little else ‘appealing to see or visit’ in the city.

Isn’t this damning conclusion enough to spur the Council and all business leaders to press as strongly as possible for the cross-city rail link first proposed by John Pennington and Andrew Mason?

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is precisely what the city has needed for more than a century. For too long, people have seen the city as an end-of-the-line town, a place where nothing goes up, where everything comes down.

Hasn’t the Coalition Government been telling us that building and developing infrastructure is the way out of recession?

The whole city should push for it. Press for it. Demand it. We should show the same pioneering, visionary industrial enterprise that made Bradford one of the wealthiest and renowned cities in the land.

A through rail link would be good for business, good for the city, good for rail users and above all it would be good for every single inhabitant of this fine city.

Lee Hanson, Oakridge Avenue, Menston