SIR – A recent report published by Circle Housing Group and the LGIU reveals widespread concern within local government about the impact of cuts in housing-related support (formerly the Supporting People programme).

The vast majority of local authorities say that cuts to housing-related support – that help vulnerable residents to live as independently as possible – will place many people at risk.

The challenge is significant, but there are actions that central and local government can take. Councils must recognise the importance of preventative support services.

Cutting them will only put more pressure on other services and cost Councils considerably more in future years. The report shows how local, innovative approaches are securing services for vulnerable people and saving money in the long-term.

But councils cannot do this alone. The Government must take an active role in promoting ‘community budgets’ which pool local funding to support vulnerable people. This will be a real test of their commitment to localism.

With more than four in ten authorities saying they are reducing the level of frontline services for vulnerable people they can offer, we urge them to explore all their options to ensure that those in need of most support are protected.

Mark Rogers, chief executive, Circle Housing Group; Andy Sawford, chief executive, LGiU; David Orr, chief executive, National Housing Federation; Grainia Long, chief executive, Chartered Institute of Housing