SIR – MPs’ expenses hits the news headlines once again. Now Parliament want to claim more for their expenses and change the present rules.

The MPs complain they don’t have enough time with family because of late and unpredictability of their work.

Other shift workers up and down the country are in the same boat, yet they don’t claim expenses. I work in the catering industry and finishing times vary. What about workers in the pub industry or armed forces?

MPs say they miss the last trains home after midnight. This highlights the point of 24-hour public transport being needed because Britain is becoming a 24-hour culture and work patterns are changing.

This will anger a lot of workers on low-paid income, and the unemployed will find it an insult, too. They cannot claim travel expenses or food or rent, etc.

MPs – get real and start to live in the real world where most of your voters live.

Martin Palliser, Waincliffe House, Laisterdyke