SIR – I really enjoyed David Barnett’s column (T&A, September 23) regarding his family visit to the circus, which brought back memories.

In about 1970, we took our three young children to see Sir Robert Fosset’s circus in Peel Park. There were only about three people in the whole circus, who did everything from the tickets to ice-cream sales, and were also the acts.

At one stage, a horse was galloping around the ring and the ringmaster asked for a volunteer to ride the horse.

My wife suddenly got up, was harnessed up and put on the horse. The horse then ran around the ring, lifting my wife out of the saddle, flying through the air above it.

We just stared in amazement and disbelief, but it has become a treasured memory to laugh at now.

Gary Lorriman, North Walk, Harden, Bingley