SIR - Once again, David Rhodes not only misses the point, but does not even seem to realise there is one (T&A, September 11).

He believes the names of our local buildings do not matter at all. Actually, it's called keeping the tradition and respecting our heritage.

Let's take his point further and go all the way. Think the unthinkable and rename Bradford. At one stroke the city's image and reputation problems are solved. We can start again from scratch. The ill-fated "Birth of a New City" campaign will have some meaning.

How about the unkind, but often true, Chavsville, Scrote City, Dump, or the optimistic West Saltaire, Beckside City, Alsop (or should that be Alslop) Vistas.

My favourite is the response I usually get when I dare admit to coming from Bradford - 'nearleedsinnit. A clear winner.

M Long, Greenside Lane, Bradford