SIR - The £200,000 the Council has received to tell us all about climate change and what we should do about it (T&A, September 7) is welcome.

However, the Council itself has a remarkable opportunity to lead the way by example rather than just talking about it and there is much more it could be doing, as many other councils have shown.

The planners are the key and I would expect many of the new buildings to have the highest insulation standards, photovoltaic cells, and micro-generation boilers as well as micro-turbines on buildings around the rim of the Bradford bowl.

Buildings should be designed to make air conditioning unnecessary. If the developers don't want to do it they should be told to go elsewhere.

Council services must also pioneer such improvements and the fleets of wagons and minibuses should be using natural gas and renewable fuels.

Only when these steps are commonplace will the general population commit itself and change its behaviour.

Keith Thomson, Heights Lane, Bradford