SIR - I am writing to voice my objection to plans to further enlarge the Midgeham quarry at Harden.

It has a range of rare and endangered plants such as the cotton grass, not found on other moorland due to sheep grazing, there are birds whose habitat is being gradually eroded away and there is also unique archaeology, both ancient and industrial.

The quarry was granted an extension last year and I feel that the argument that the shortage of local stone could justify further land-grabbing misses the point.

Surely it is time to be considering alternatives because when the moor has gone what will they do then? I know the local authority has a commitment to the environment and the bigger picture.

I only hope that this beautiful area, where I can stand on the top and see all the wonderful landscape such as the viaduct and the rolling fields while breathing in the smell of heather will be there for future generations.

Sara Dixon, Bramham Road, Bingley