SIR – The Conservatives seem to have a mantra, and they cannot deviate from this regardless of the evidence put in front of them.

In this respect, I am referring to their ‘everything must be privatised’, when there is overwhelming evidence that it is not the panacea they try to make it out to be.

The latest that has come to my notice is ‘Keep rail line in hands of the public’ (T&A, May 11), and refers to the East Coast rail line.

This was taken over from National Express when it was a failure. Taken under public ownership, it has apparently thrived, and, as it is a success, they want to sell it off again. Just where is the common sense?

There is none. So one has to wonder at the hidden agenda, and the only one I can see is selling an asset to the wealthy to make more profit for themselves.

A G Goldsbrough, Leeds Road, Ilkley